Donna Naturale
A Journey to Less Toxic and More Sustainable Living
Beauty/ Health / Wellness
Non-toxic, Natural and Sustainable Beauty, Health and Wellness Tips

Hi there, I’m Amanda

Welcome to my blog, Donna Naturale, where I write about all things eco…including non-toxic beauty tips and recipes, plant and gardening tips, sustainability tips, clean product reviews, how-to and DIY videos, and so much more.
I have always been a natural remedy kind of girl…I regularly look for homeopathic, natural, and alternative remedies rather than traditional medicine and counterproductive, pharmaceutical quick-fixes.
Now don’t get me wrong. I have plenty of toxins in my life! I am not sitting here in my hairdressing cape and hair dye foils, using acetone nail polish and whitening toothpaste, hypocritically wagging my finger at you…but I have started to take some baby steps to further transition my and my family’s lives to a cleaner, less toxic, and more sustainable lifestyle.
My mission through Donna Naturale is not only to help protect myself and my family but also to raise awareness of the everyday toxins in our lives and promote cleaner and greener product alternatives. After experiencing health and fertility issues potentially caused by toxin exposure, I have become even more passionate about educating others and offering cleaner beauty, health, and wellness remedies and recipes to help you lessen the toxins in your life and become less wasteful too!
I don’t know if we will ever be toxin FREE or ZERO waste…but that doesn’t mean that we can’t begin to take steps in that direction!
Because taking action, even with the smallest steps, can make a HUGE impact on your health, the health of those around you, and your environment too!



A Journey to a Less Toxic and More Sustainable Life
Join my family and me on our journey to a less toxic life where I will share information on toxins and toxic products, natural and chemical-free beauty and cleaning recipes and remedies, and product reviews too!

Get in Touch! Feel free to contact me through the contact form, social media or email. I would love to hear from you!