So What is Eco-Fashion Anyway? PLUS: Donna Naturale’s Podcast Interview on Eco-Fashion Frenzy
Last month, I posted a list of podcasts about wellness for you and for your environment. On this list was a podcast that my daughters really like called Eco-Fashion Frenzy for Kids with Sienna. I had the pleasure of speaking with Sienna a couple of weeks ago and guesting on her podcast! It was so much fun! You can check out the interview here.
So What is Eco-Fasion Anyway?
Did you know it takes approximately 1,800 gallons of water just to produce ONE pair of jeans?
I honestly had never heard of eco-fashion until I started my sustainability journey. I had never really thought very much about how the fashion industry contributes to the environmental issues our world is facing. So you may be asking…what is eco-fashion anyway? Well, eco-fashion is typically described as a brand or clothing line that takes environmental concerns into account during product production, packaging, shipping, etc.
I did unknowingly practice some eco-fashion ideals like thrifting, mending, reusing, and upcycling already, but after reading some shocking statistics while researching this post, have been inspired to explore even more ways to combat fast fashion!
How much do YOU know about Sustainable Fashion? Take Allison’s quiz from Sustainable & Chic to find out!
6 Ways You Can Participate in Sustainable Fashion
- Borrow or do a clothing swap with a friend or family member
- Thrift or garage sale
- Wear what you have
- Mend worn items
- Support eco-friendly and fair fashion brands
- Email brands about creating more eco-friendly and sustainable production processes and packaging materials
Want to Learn More about Eco-Fashion?
Check out some of my Eco-Fashion and Sustainability Friends’ Blogs!
Check out The Eco Stylist with Garik Himebaugh to read more about sustainable living and men’s eco-fashion.
Did you know the fashion industry is responsible for 10% of annual carbon emissions? This is MORE than ALL international flights AND maritime shipping COMBINED!
Check out Donna Naturale’s podcast interview with 11-year-old Eco-Fashion Warrior, Sienna Salcedo.

I had the pleasure of speaking with Sienna a couple of weeks ago and guesting on her podcast, Eco-Fashion Frenzy for Kids. It was so much fun!
Sienna and I talked about ways she and her family have started to become more sustainable and less wasteful by cutting out straws and other plastic.
Her family has also recently become vegan! Congrats to this young Eco-Warrior on the small steps and HUGE impact she is making!
Sienna and I also discussed ways kids can be less toxic and more eco-friendly in their lives.
I even summarized these things in a super cute Pinterest graphic for parents and kids to print at home!
Did you know it takes a piece of cotton clothing 2 to 5 months to decompose? Synthetic fibers such as Lycra and polyester can take hundreds of years to decompose!

Ways Kids Can Lead Less Toxic and More Eco-Friendly Lifestyles
Eco-Fashion Frenzy For Kids, Hosted by Sienna Salcedo
Eco-Fashion Frenzy is an earth-friendly fashion podcast for kids. Sienna shares the latest fashion news, trends, history, and ideas as well as interviews with industry leaders. Save the earth fashionably!
Sienna has been an avid fashion-lover since the age of four! She is a podcaster and founder of her own brand, Sienna Styles, and is currently working on creating her own online store.
My little fashionistas love listening to Sienna on Eco-Fashion Frenzy!
You can find Sienna's podcast on all major podcasting platforms.
Follow Eco-Fashion Frenzy for Kids on Instagram.