Zero-Waste Face Mask
Hands up those who have thrown away food because it’s become too ripe or about to expire. (Actually, I raise my hand.) Unfortunately, this is a common habit. Every day tons of food is thrown in the trash. To avoid this, just buy smart. Maybe buying food only when the fridge or pantry is almost empty, or keeping leftovers for dinner or lunch the next day. Even storing food in the freezer can be an excellent remedy if we cannot eat them in a short time. But what if we follow these suggestions and still have food expiring before we can eat it?
My personal tip is to use this food for DIY recipe, or better, in this case, a ZERO-WASTE face Mask!
Zero-Waste Face Mask: Benefits
Banana is a valid ingredient for DIY face masks. It is full of antioxidants, minerals, vitamins A and C. It reduces inflammations such as acne and eczema and helps to hydrate the skin.
Honey represents also another MUST in face masks! It is a natural antibacterial. For this reason, it’s great for acne treatment and prevention. It is also moisturizing and soothing, so let’s add a teaspoon of honey in your recipe, your skin will thank you!
What you will need
- a half-ripe banana (the one that has been lying in your fruit bowl for days and you’re thinking of throwing it away because now it has turned black! hehe…)
- 1 teaspoon honey
- If you want to create a face mask with a scrubbing action as well, I recommend adding 1 teaspoon of oatmeal. It’s a gentle exfoliator also suitable for sensitive skin.
Procedure and application
The procedure is really easy! Mix half banana and honey until you get a homogenous mixture. If necessary, use a hand blender to avoid annoying big pieces of banana. If you want to add an exfoliating effect, also add a teaspoon of oatmeal.
After cleaning the face, apply the mixture and leave on for 5 minutes. Remove with warm water, pat face dry, and apply a moisturizing cream to start your day!
If you enjoy this content, you can check out my blog for more recipes.
Click HERE to get a mini-guide from C6 Beauty with DIY beauty recipes using items from your pantry!

I am proud to introduce Gabi, the owner of C6 Beauty, a Düsseldorf based blog dedicated to the art of zero waste and natural beauty.
Before dedicating herself to being a blogger, she spent many years studying chemistry and also obtained a doctorate. It was through this education and scientific knowledge that she became passionate about creating her own homemade products. She loves to study what’s behind every single ingredient and discover its benefits, and is always happy to share what she’s learned!
Welcome, Gabi! Thanks for the wonderful, natural face mask recipe!