
Non-Toxic and Sustainable Beauty, Health, & Wellness



Wellness Podcasts for You AND Your Environment
The Birth of PodcastingDid you know podcasting has roots dating all the way back to the 1980s? Audio talk show programs distributed in digital format, formerly referred to as audio blogs, are considered the be the foundation of the present day podcast. Podcasting...
25 Sustainable Hacks to Prolong the Life of Your Produce
Summer is quickly approaching and here in the midwest, with the warmer summer weather, comes an abundance of farmer’s markets and fresh produce stands. Visiting local farmer’s markets, farms, greenhouses, and produce stands are one of my favorite summer activities. I...
8 Simple Ways to Practice Self Care EVERY.SINGLE.DAY.
Wellness is defined as the quality or state of being in good health. While many areas of our life play into our overall wellness, personal mental wellness is essential to feeling your best and living the life you desire! And a VITAL part of personal mental wellness is...
Guest Blog: Jessica from Sweet and Spicy Essentials Enlightens Us on Oily Lover’s Simple Remedy Swaps for Common Ailments
Hello, I’m Jessica, blogger at I enjoy learning about essential oils and how I can replace products in my medicine cabinet with natural alternatives. I’m really excited to be a guest here at Donna Naturale. I hope that by the end of...
12 Ways to Get Outside and Celebrate the Earth While Social Distancing
April is EARTH Month and April 22nd is Earth Day. Most areas are still recommending to stay at home and practice social distancing if you must go out or are an essential worker, but we can still celebrate the Earth! Here are 12 ways you can...
Natural Cleaners: Borax
Although it may not feel like it, spring is here! I have been using some of my extra time during this quarantine to do some spring cleaning, cleaning out drawers and closets, and paring down, donating things we don't need or use. I always love the smell after...