Educate Yo’self!

Educate Yo’self!


Daily Toxin Exposure


I have touched a little on some of the toxins in our everyday routines.  As women, we tend to use numerous beauty products daily (and sometimes, several times daily.) LADIES! You would not believe the number of chemicals and toxins you are exposing yourself to! 

Many of these products have the same or even more dangerous ingredients than cigarettes, yet they do not come with a Surgeon General’s warning regarding the myriad of risks to your health and safety. Side effects from chemical and toxin exposure include:birth defects, weakened immune system, advanced aging, hormonal and fertility problems, disruption of endocrine system and an increased risk of cancer.

Now, I am not naive to think this is something that has just begun to happen, however, one would think in a developed and regulated country such as the United States, more legislation would exist to control exposure from food, water and personal care and cleaning products.Toxins and chemicals are sneakily slipped into ingredient panels on product packaging or sometimes not even required to be listed at all if determined a “trade secret”. 



Despite the ever-growing number of products in the cosmetic industry, there has been no federal legislation on cosmetic safety since 1938! The United States has only 11 banned chemicals while Europe has more than 1,300 toxins and chemicals that have been banned for use in consumer products. State legislation is making better strides on the local level though, with 211 bills banning toxins in water and consumer products pending in 32 different states. You can check pending legislation in your state by clicking here.

Educate Yo-self!


Education is the key! Learning more about the ingredients in the products you and your family use is a great way to have some control over chemical exposure. Here are some ways you can educate yourself:

  • Read articles online, magazines, books and blogs.
  • Follow EWG on social media. EWG’s website also has an abundance of information on all topics environment related.
  • Use an app. EWG’s Healthy Living app contains 128,000 products and is growing daily. I use this app and LOVE it! Use the app to scan items and see ingredients’ potential toxicity. If you are not able to find your product in the app, you are asked to participate in helping EWG grow its database by snapping photos of the front and back of the product and barcode so the product can be added. Other apps include Think Dirty, Yuka, and INCI Beauty Analysis.
  • Read/scan ingredient panels and labels.
  • Listen to green and eco related podcasts. Some of my favorites are The Toxin Terminator, The Green Dudes and Green Divas, and Talking Clean with Irene.
  • Engage with other like-minded people by getting involved in local community groups, online communities and attending events both online and in person. Facebook is growing with so many groups for every interest. Offer information, ask questions and show support. I have made some awesome connections this way!


Sacred Chocolate is certified organic, certified vegan, certified kosher, carbon balanced and produced in a 100% renewable energy factory in California.


For a FREE printable list of ways you can educate yourself, visit the Donna Naturale Download Library!

Educating yourself is an essential step to greening your home and lifestyle. I am sure you’ve heard it before, knowledge is POWER.  By educating ourselves on these issues we can make better and cleaner choices. We can also use our consumer buying power to help drive the industry in a greener direction by supporting and purchasing cleaner alternatives.

I hope this information has challenged you not only to educate, but also to protect yo’self!



Attend the FREE Online Nontoxic Beauty Summit!


Interested in attending an upcoming FREE ONLINE event?

The Nontoxic Beauty Revolution 2020 hosted by Diane Kazer is coming March 9-15th.

Did you know that ONLY 4% of women think they're beautiful? Women are on a constant treadmill to "buy their beauty," and it truly is killing them.

Join me and learn how to transition to self-love and body acceptance and what you can do RIGHT NOW to build your beauty!

The average woman puts over 515 synthetic chemicals on her skin every day, and of that, 60% of it is absorbed into her body.

Babies are born with over 250 chemicals in them before they have even taken their first breath.

Everything we eat, apply and inject into our bodies could set off illness at any given moment (and can age us more quickly!) — women are literally "Dying to be Beautiful!" 

--->>Learn to build YOUR beauty when you attend this free, online health event!

Your host, Diane Kazer, struggled with implant illness and journeyed away from shame and fear to self-healing and self-love. She became a health advocate after seeing the true costs to women's lives in the quest for beauty, helping them to reclaim their power so they can build a new life and birth a new purpose, crafted from the pain of their past. 

She's here to help you by sharing what she learned.

The Non-Toxic Beauty Revolution will help you with:
● Identifying toxins in beauty products and procedures
● Transitioning to self-love and body acceptance
● Using diet and detox to build your beauty
● Understanding how implants impact your health
● Recovering from implant illness
● Aging gracefully — inside and out
● And so much more!

You're not alone. There are answers. We can heal together.

--->>I'll see you online at The Non-Toxic Beauty Revolution when you register today!


P.S. When you register for The Non-Toxic Beauty Summit, you’ll also unlock early access interviews, free guides and helpful eBooks about living your most resilient life!

Register NOW for your spot and become part of the Nontoxic Beaty Revolution!


Toxins in Your Daily Routine

Toxins in Your Daily Routine

Everyday Toxins


Did you know the average person is exposed to over 500 chemicals and toxins in their daily routine?

According to the Environmental Working Group (EWG), many beauty, hygiene and cleaning products have toxins that can cause a wide variety of side effects, from headaches and indigestion to more serious conditions including an increased risk of cancer. It is scary to think that you and your family may be using harmful products on a daily basis. Research has shown numerous common products contain toxins and chemicals such as lead, aluminum, phthalates, mercury, arsenic, parabens, and so much more! I have felt so guilty just thinking about how many toxins I am exposing my children to regularly and this has motivated me into ACTION!

It is overwhelming to think about greening your whole routine all at once, especially replacing your favorite products you have used for years.  It’s less intimidating, at least for me, to replace products slowly, focusing on one at a time. Finding a cleaner alternative can take some research, and perhaps some trial and error, in order to the right product for you and your family.

Green Your Routine!


Here are a few simple steps to begin greening your routine:

  • Less is MORE! It is not necessary to use so many health and beauty products! Pare down the products you are using. Keep it simple.
  • Read labels.  If you cannot pronounce it, it’s probably not good for you.  Educate yourself.
  • Avoid products with added fragrances. Chemicals used to make fragrances are absorbed through the skin into the blood. These toxic chemicals are categorized as allergens, hormone disruptors, neurotoxins and carcinogens.
  • Get crafty and make your own cleaning (and/or beauty) products. My favorite homemade cleaner recipe is a great one for beginners to try. In a 12 oz. spray bottle, add 8 oz. water, 3 oz. white vinegar and 1 oz. lemon juice. This simple antibacterial spray works fantastic for wiping down counters in the kitchen or scrubbing soap scum in the bathtub.
  • Use an APP.  EWG has a great app where you can scan product barcodes and give you feedback on the ingredients and their toxicity levels.  There are many other similar apps out there too!


Detoxifying your lifestyle can have many positive effects including making you feel better, improving your overall health, and reducing your risk of side effects from toxic chemicals. And since many toxins have many aging effects, cutting them out in your daily routine will also help you look better too!



Sacred Chocolate is certified organic, certified vegan, certified kosher, carbon balanced and produced in a 100% renewable energy factory in California.
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